Netting for Wildlife Exclusion
Netting for Wildlife Exclusion

The Best Way to Get Rid Of Bats Is Exclusion

During the spring and summer is when bats tend to start roosting in the attic. Bats are very beneficial in the United States, however, it is sometimes necessary to exclude them from our home or businesses to prevent contact with humans in habituated areas. Most of the time exclusions are performed in residential areas, due to homes being very close to each other.

Bats live in colonies, which means that there are many, and they live very close to each other. Most bats take care of others young as a colony, while the mother goes out foraging. Very few animals possess this trait. During the spring and summer is when large colonies start to form, these colonies are called nursery colonies. Of which, is made up of mother bats. For the reverse, an all-male bat colony is called a bachelor colony. These are much smaller than a nursery colony only having roughly ~10 bats. However, it is the female colonies that will need to be excluded. If you have bats, you will have guano and it will need to be cleaned up

Why Exclusion? What’s the Danger?

As said earlier, bats that have taken residence in homes humans live in will need to be excluded. This is due to the possibility of getting bit by bats. Many health departments have strict regulations that deal with bats in residential areas. Often, if a bat is found in a house it will need to be tested for rabies. if the bat cannot be found the whole household is recommended to get a rabies shot. Health departments take bats in the home very seriously even though only .25% of bats carry rabies. But remember, bat colonies can number in the thousands, and some are numbered to a million.

I Heard That You Cannot Exclude Bats During a Certain Time

While it is true that some states have a blackout period where you cannot exclude bats. But in Smyrna, Georgia there are no blackout periods. It is however strongly advised against exclusions between April 1st and July 31st. This is to protect the mothers and their nursing young. But due to the health risks posed by bats, you can still ask us at Wildlife Removal to exclude those bats for you if you feel unsafe.